SEMC recommends starting each engagement with directed conversations with campus leaders.
While qualitative interviews will lead to a subsequent analysis of your quantitative data and administrative structure, our experience tells us that it is imperative to understand the personalities and skill set[s] that execute on the plan day-in and day-out. Once we fully understand how your campus team understands and executes on your existing plan, we can quickly begin to construct a path to reach your goals.
Let’s talk. An engagement with SEMC will take a mutually agreed upon path that may range from a simple, project-based engagement like enhancing your marketing campaign to a full consultation on staffing optimization, to a full reallocation of your existing enrollment management budget, or executive coaching for your new VPEM. For full details of our services, see our Services page. We are happy to send you examples of our work, furnish you with references, or visit campus to explain more about our approach to strategic enrollment management.
What We Do
SEMC works with colleges and universities nationwide to achieve optimal results in enrollment. We work with your enrollment team to ensure that they have the proper training and infrastructure to execute your institutional strategic enrollment plan. We evaluate the effectiveness of your enrollment program and financial aid strategy to ensure that your institution is working efficiently and effectively all within the framework of student success.

Angela Payne, Ph.D.,
Dr Payne has extensive enrollment experience with particular expertise in articulation policy.

Michael Thorp, Ph.D.,
Dr. Thorp has more than 35 years of experience in higher education with both public and private institutions, as well as small colleges and large universities.